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5 Crucial Considerations When Booking Home Cleaning Services

by VepoClean |
November 19, 2021
5 Crucial Considerations When Booking Home Cleaning Services

Hiring a home cleaning provider for your Manhattan home or apartment requires careful consideration. After all, you’re not just enlisting their products and services; you’re welcoming strangers into your house to see parts of it that mere guests may never see. Done right, however, professional cleaners can completely transform your home life and make it easier for you to enjoy down time doing the things you love.

To ensure a great experience, here are five crucial considerations to think about before hiring professionals to conduct deep house cleaning:

Reputation and Reviews

Word-of-mouth and reputation still count as social currency even in the digital age. Avoid evaluating home cleaning providers on their prices alone. As evidenced by their customer reviews, look for the kind of service they provide to see if they are a good fit according to your standards.

Avoid those with affordable rates but low reviews (three stars below any or equivalent). Consider cleaning companies with slightly higher prices but higher ratings (four stars above any or equivalent). While you may pay slightly more, you’ll likely get improved service!

Experience and Expertise

Another consideration is the company’s experience and expertise. Perhaps the cheaper-priced suppliers are so because they only know basic cleaning across various home spaces, meaning their services do not cater to homeowners’ or tenants’ specific cleaning needs.

On the other hand, a cleaning service with upwards of ten years in the industry has surveyed the NYC market and created customized solutions for those who live in houses, apartments, condos, and penthouses. They will find out precisely what you need and how they can fill that need.

Speaking of…

Packages and Services Offered

Finding the right provider means hiring a company with cleaning packages suitable for your home. If you own a house and lot, you most definitely should not hire an apartment cleaning crew and vice versa. 

Take inventory of their products and services to see how well they match your needs. You may end up finding a team that specializes in one or a few spaces or a supplier that can handle tiny to big living quarters. Whichever the case, always ensure they have what you need.

Check for Insurance

While professionalism between clients and providers is paramount, accidents can still happen during a job. Cleaners may accidentally tip over a fragile object, mishandle a gadget, or corrode a surface with a cleaning solution. These instances lead to losses or damages that need rectification.

As such, always check with any home cleaning service if they have an existing insurance policy. Insurance protects their legal reputation and covers for any losses or damages made during a job. You should avoid cleaners without any sort of legal indemnification.

Reasonable Price

After reviewing their reputation, reviews, packages, experience, and insurance policies, one of the best ways to shortlist the right team for the job is to compare them all at once. Note these down in a spreadsheet for easier reference.

From there, you can contrast their specializations (deep house cleaning or apartment cleaning), services, indemnification packages, and price to see which is the most reasonable. Respectable home cleaners should have an equitable balance of all, so customers know they’re getting a good deal without being shortchanged in any aspect.

Tip: avoid providers that offer packages with extra bells and whistles if you’re hiring them for the first time to see how they do regular cleaning jobs.

In Closing

The home cleaners you want should have these five crucial considerations before you hire them. These protect you from unwanted damages, problems and guarantee you get the best bang for your buck every time they work in your home.

If you’re looking for a supplier that’s got all of these considerations down, then give VepoClean Home Cleaning Service a call! We’re the most trusted cleaners in New York City, specializing in deep house cleaning, apartment cleaning in Manhattan, as well as maid and housekeeping!

Get your home space clean with us today!

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