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5 Tried and Tested Tips for Less Dust In Your Hoboken Home or Apartment

Changing beddings

Dust is an airborne mixture of solid particles, including pollen, skin flakes, fibers, pet hair, soil, and other particles. In addition, dust can contain hazardous chemicals like lead, asbestos, and other toxins. These substances can cause serious health risks if inhaled or ingested. Therefore, it is important to understand that dust is not merely a nuisance but a potential health hazard.

When you move about your home, dust and other tiny particles are kicked into the air, bringing any potentially harmful chemicals along with them. Those in the house are at risk of breathing in these particles or having them absorbed through their skin, hence the need for immediate cleaning, whether by yourself or a local cleaning service.

Follow these five tried-and-tested tips for less dust in your home or apartment:

Tip 1: Change Beddings Regularly

Dust particles are attracted to pillows, sheets, and mattresses and can easily accumulate on them. To prevent this, it is a good idea to cover your mattress and box spring in a special allergen-proof cover. This will help reduce the amount of dust that settles on them. Additionally, it is important to regularly clean and wash your bedding once a week, which will help keep dust away.

Tip 2: Clean Floors Consistently, Too

Many homeowners overlook the mess that accumulates on the floor. Items such as books, magazines, clothing, toys, and other items are usually left on the floor and forgotten. Unfortunately, this often results in dust particles settling on the items, making them more difficult to clean.

Tip 3: Concentrate on Closets

Closets can easily become dust due to the shedding of fibers from towels, bedding, and clothing. While it is not possible to completely stop the fabric from shedding fibers, you can make an effort to reduce the amount of dust in your house. Put away clothes you do not frequently wear in sealed bags or boxes, such as heavy coats that you only wear in the winter. This will help keep the dust from spreading throughout your home.

Tip 4: Find a High-Quality Furnace Filter

The HVAC system in our home filters the air and ensures it is clean and free of dust. A basic filter will help keep out large particles but will only do a little to prevent smaller particles from getting through. To clean the air, it’s best to use a higher-quality filter that is more expensive but captures up to 99 percent of the dust.

Tip 5: Use Air Purifiers

To achieve the best air quality in your home, purchasing an air purifier for each room is recommended. These devices are capable of trapping the majority of airborne dust particles before they can settle and linger. This is a great way to protect your family’s health and clean your home environment.

Choose purifiers with HEPA filters instead of ionic cleaners, which can release things that irritate your breathing. Make sure to keep your windows and doors closed when it is windy outside; this will help to prevent dust, mold spores, pollen, soil particles, and air pollutants from getting into your house.

In Closing

Various items and spaces in your home can attract dust without you knowing it. Refer to this list the next time you clean and you’ll have less clutter, dust, and work to deal with for your home or apartment.

Overwhelmed? Get Help from VepoClean Hoboken 

We’re a local home cleaning service in Hoboken NJ that will not only wipe, mop, and vacuum your home clean but we will also remove the dust from your baseboards, light fixtures, window sills, and other nooks and crannies that may have escaped your view. Call us now for more information on what we can do for you!

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